I have been a homeschooling mom of five, for 10 years. It is not a career path I would have chosen for myself when I graduated from high school, but have enjoyed it nonetheless. Bill and I knew that, in order for us to get missions training, we would have to let the homeschooling go for a period of time. It was not an easy decision to make, and during that process, it almost felt like it might be too big of a sacrifice. One I was not sure I was willing to make.
How did we know we were "supposed" to be missionaries? God didn't speak to us audibly, but from the age of 5, I can remember, I have "wanted" to be one. That desire has not waned in over 30 years, and so I think it's safe to say He has given me that desire. He also put it in the heart of my husband to be a missionary, and Bill has been leading our family in that direction.
So if God is the one who gave us this desire, He should know ALL aspects of what this would entail, right? Well guess what? HE DOES! He knows our hearts, desires, passions, likes, dislikes, proclivities (I love that word); and guides us with all of that in mind. So what does homeschooling have to do with missions exactly?
Well, first, our children are our (Bill & I) first mission field. All of our children have made a profession of faith, so therefore we have been discipling for a while now. Discipling by homeschooling. It's a lot harder than it sounds, but a job I was more than willing to do. But how willing was I to give that up, for the sake of obeying Christ? Because in order for us to complete training with NTM (New Tribes Mission), I (Debby) would also have to attend classes full time, and our kids would have to be in school.
So here we are. In training. With our kids in school. I'm also going to school. And we're doing well. REALLY well in fact. God has taken such good care of us and our kids. Our oldest, is homeschooling herself, and the 4 boys attend the Academy, located here at the training centre. The teachers care about our FAMILY, and how we all are doing. They have been INCREDIBLY willing to work extra with the boys who needed a little extra help. They have been so encouraging, even when some of my failures, as my kids' teacher, was exposed.
So in reality, our boys being in school is really a simple act of obedience. In wanting to obey what we feel is God's call on our life, to be missionaries overseas, we are surrendering our children to Him. He will take care, AND educate them better than I ever could. He is using the teachers here right now to do that, and Lord-willing He will use me again as their teacher. And right now, it doesn't feel like a sacrifice at all. It feels like freedom.
Obedience is not always easy, but it is always rewarding. God is not ignorant of what is involved in obedience. He knows everything that surrounds an act of obedience, and is SO willing to lead, guide, and provide in that.
What simple act of obedience is God calling you to today?