Our Family

Our Family
A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. Ps. 16:9

Friday, February 10, 2017

Still Waiting...

Last October,  we received the green light to go to Paraguay, due to our reaching 75% of needed support. We had written our supporters that we would be leaving for Paraguay this March.  Surprisingly, or maybe not surprisingly, that date has now been pushed back.
Shortly after reaching that 75%, we had a series of meetings with some NTM Paraguay leadership (who is in the US on home assignment), our pastor, and a language consultant, also from Paraguay.  Among the items that were discussed was my (Debby's) status as a green card holder.  The reason for this discussion is that my legal status in the US has quite a bit of bearing on moving overseas.  Because of holding a green card, I have to apply for a visa to leave the US for an extended period of time (which we knew). What we didn't know was that it would restrict our comings and goings.  I would only be allowed to leave for up to two years, then return to the US and have to stay in the US again for at least six months.  Then I'd have to do that process all over again, to go back to Paraguay.  Not to mention that that visa is $680, which I would have to pay each time.
Our leadership strongly encouraged me to go for my American citizenship.  After talking it through with leadership, our pastor, and trusted counsel, we decided that I should do that.  So in November, we met with an immigration lawyer to see what was required, and in December I filled out and submitted the paperwork.  About three weeks ago I was fingerprinted for my FBI background check, and the process is rolling along, but this is the latest delay for us.
We did ask for my application to be expedited, but have yet to hear whether they will do that or not. In the meantime, I'm studying for my civics test coming up at the interview, and gathering even more paperwork together to prove yet again that my marriage is legit, and that we have lived and shared a life together since we got married.
Once again, we have had to lay down our timetable before the Lord, and wait on His timing for us to get to Paraguay.  We did not anticipate all these delays, but they don't come as a surprise to God.  Bill and I have discussed these delays numerous times, and have asked each other if this is still what we're supposed to do.  We both have not be given freedom to pursue something else, nor has leadership in Paraguay suggested we go in a different direction.  On the contrary, they are very much awaiting our arrival and are just as eager as we are to get there.
We have a few items we'd love you to remember in prayer.
- That Homeland Security would expedite my application
- That I would commit to studying the civics questions for the test
- That we would reach 100% support before we leave, as well as raise the needed set-up funds
We are so grateful for all of you who pray and give.  This process to get to Paraguay has certainly stretched and challenged us in ways we were not anticipating.  Thank you for coming alongside.