Our Family

Our Family
A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. Ps. 16:9

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Saying Goodbye

During our time in Canada, our kids have made some deep and lasting friendships with other TCKs (third-culture kids), as well as some church kids.  Learning to say good-bye is a hard but necessary part of being an MK/TCK.  Having friends over to our place, or being invited for one last dinner at a friends house are important parts of saying goodbye.

Ethan with his friend Jared, whose dad is a missionary pilot, and they go back to New Guinea this month. 

Bronia with her friend Amberly, who is the sister to... 

...Drew, who is a good friend of Simon's. 

Liam snapping towels with friends Jaden and Byron, after doing the dishes...

...which came after an impromptu pizza party with some of our kids' friends.

Our kids also had quite a few classes with Holly Dyck, an MK Care & Ed. coordinator (Missionary Kid Care & Education), learning about transitions, and how to do it well. 
   (Vern and Holly Dyck raised their 5 kids in South America, and are now      sharing their knowledge, love and care, for MKs with other missionary parents.)

(Check out her blog post about transitions for MKs here)

We are so grateful for the friendships our children made, and that they were given tools to be able to say good-bye, and leave a place well.  God loves our kids more than we do, and even though life for MKs/TCKs is one of many moves, transitions, and difficulties, we as parents can rest in His sovereign plan for our kids' lives, knowing that our decisions for their lives is all part of who they will become as adults.

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