Our Family

Our Family
A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. Ps. 16:9

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Stateside Home Assignment

As we look back from the half-way point of 2019, we can see the evidence of a faithful God and faithful people. We know the path continues and the journey has not come to an end, and we also know that God is leading us to more opportunities to demonstrate His glory.
Home assignment!
Twenty months have passed since arriving in Paraguay and we find ourselves making plans for a home assignment. We arrive in Florida August 5th, and we have three specific goals we want to accomplish during this home assignment.             1) Transition Liam & Eli back into North American culture. 2) Hip replacement and rehab for Bill's left side. 3) Become fully funded.
Liam & Eli
As we shared in our previous update, Eli graduated a month ago and Liam is right behind him. Our desire is to bring them to Florida to help them adjust by getting jobs and making educational goals for their immediate future.  
Hip Replacement
While in Florida, it only makes sense to have Bill's other hip replacement done. He is very pleased with the first one, and is looking forward to having the second one done and getting therapy to become as mobile as possible.
Become Fully Funded
When we left for Paraguay, we were receiving around 75% of our mission's recommended support for us. Starting in December of last year, our support started dropping and has been hovering around 62%. While this has been sufficient for us to give, have all our bills paid, groceries bought, and basic Spanish lessons paid for, it is not enough to save for future home assignments, acquiring and maintaining a vehicle, and investing more fully in Spanish learning opportunities.
Language Update
Speaking of Spanish, at the end of April right before Bill's surgery, we both had another language evaluation. Because of Bill's surgery, along with both language consultants being out of the country for various reasons, we just got our evaluations back this week. We are pleased to report both of us progressed into another level. According to our report, we "continue to grow in our understanding and ability to use Spanish and we (the consultants) appreciate the effort we've (Bill & Debby) invested. We have a heart for people and desire to be used of God to impact their lives.''
Even though progress is being made, we recognize that Bill's lack of mobility and low funds partly contribute to not being further along in language. In talking with our consultants, we are well aware of the language-learning challenges before us and we are working with them on how we can best proceed and progress in the language. 
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
Romans 12:12
Praise Items
* we had the funds for our return plane tickets to Florida

* Liam and Eli both graduating from High School

* Bill and I both progressing in Spanish
Prayer Items
* we are needing housing and a vehicle for our time in Florida

* for Liam and Eli as they have some big decisions coming up

* that we continue to be faithful in our personal walks with the Lord and in discipling our boys
Your hands and feet in Paraguay, South America,

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