Our Family

Our Family
A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. Ps. 16:9

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


So, Bill and I have made quite a decision about our health, and we want to blog about it.  When I first asked Bill if I could blog it, he asked me why.  One, I said for accountability.  Through weekly updates, if people know what we are wanting to do, they will (we hope) encourage us and hold us accountable.  We know the verses about our body being a temple.  I Cor. 6:19,20 says, "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body."  We have not done that.

And secondly, so we can share this with others.  For all the information that is out there, we are SO ignorant about our bodies and  health.  Bill and I have been informed for a long time, but have just chosen not to do much about it.  James 4:17 says, "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.  That is the LAZY.

When we got married, Bill was about 210 lbs, and I was somewhere around 190lbs.  We didn't really keep track because we were both quite active, in love and newly married, and not worried about our weight.

Well, like most Americans, we moved further into life, with me having babies, and Bill working in a quick service restaurant.  Needless to say, the pounds have added up over our 15+ year marriage.  Here is the truth folks.  Bill weighs 282, and I weigh 275.  That is the FAT.

For the last 18 months or so, for those who have seen Bill, have noticed that he's been walking with a limp.  A year or so before that, he had quite a serious slip-and-fall at work.  He had gotten some physical therapy at the time, but a while after that ended, the limp appeared.  It's in his hip.  He is in almost constant pain, yet suffers silently and without complaint.  What has made it so much worse he thinks, is his gut.  His being overweight is contributing to the pain.

I also have been having chest pain from time to time. When I bend over to pick something up, I will get a sharp pain in my chest when I get back up again, as well as sometimes getting light-headed.  I've also seen an increase in adult acne.  Not cool.  We are 37 and 38 respectively, and should not be in this much pain.  That is the SICK.

Last night, on NETFLIX, we watched a documentary called, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead".  We encourage everyone to watch that.  We are about to embark on a similar journey.  We are going raw. The kids included.  We have decided to do a 30-day juice fast, with the kids maybe doing it for a week initially, and continue on in a modified fashion after that.  We have to.

This last year that we are here in Florida, before we go off to missions training, we wanted to work on 2 things.  Finances and health.  We need to save up a lot of money for school, which means getting out of debt and starting a serious savings program.  But we weren't really sure where to start with the health.  Now that we KNOW, we will DO.  Along with the juice fast, we will be starting an exercise program of some kind.  EVERYONE will participate in that.  This is a family affair, with us as parents leading the way.  Please pray for us.  And let us know if you want to join us on this journey of health.

 This is Bill and I at our heaviest, on our 15th wedding anniversary cruise, February 2011.


  1. I'm rooting for you both! and the whole family! It's brave of you to go RAW. Can't wait to hear the updates. Take it slow & steady (remember the tortoise:) and don't grow discouraged. You have the best motivation-to the Glory of God. I'll be praying for you and we miss you all.

  2. Wow! you guys are amazing. You inspire me to do better for my family, too. If there's one thing I know about you, it's that once you've made up your mind, you'll do it and carry through! A little over a week now...and while I am sure it is still hard, I bet you are already feeling better. Keep it up!!!!
